Four Nations, One Vision



Educational programming at the elementary school ranges from grades 3 through 6. Students learn the core and optional courses through the Alberta Program of Studies which has required expectations for each grade. In addition, Cultural activities that involve community history, seasonal teachings, outdoor activities, and Cree language and cultural lessons are all incorporated throughout our school programming by certified Cree teachers and instructors.


At Nipisihkopahk Elementary School, we provide excellence in Cree language and cultural programming to enhance the Cree identity of each and every child and provide excellence in academics for them to become successful Nehiyaw awasisak.


Nipisihkopahk Elementary School prepares students to become active and successful community members and leaders. Our students will:

  • Understand the Cree language and traditions which will give them a strong sense of identity and self-worth
  • Become community leaders who will lead the next generation
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills to be academically successful and achieve goals
  • Become caring citizens and treat each other with kindness and respect