Jordana Buffalo

School Counselor
Tansi, Jordana Buffalo, nitsikason, Nipisihkopahk, Maskwacis, oh chi niya. My name is
Jordana Buffalo, I go by Ms. Jordee here at the school. I am a mother to 1 son and I have 3 dogs and 2 cats. I am one of the School Counsellors here at NES. I am so happy to see all the returning students and the new ones. I will be greeting the students at the front door every morning and try to meet &
greet all the students and start to memorize names and faces.
The Counsellors are on site full time and are available to see students. Parents are required to sign a consent form for the student to see a Counsellor on a regular basis. Although, if it Is a crisis and the student is upset, we will be available to see them them then.